
Organically Raised Pastured Turkeys

Our organic turkeys are raised in a similar manner as the chickens. However, they remain in the brooder for a longer period of time, as they require more care and protection to start a healthy growing pattern. Once they are sturdy enough, they too are placed in pasture pens. They are slower maturing birds and somewhere around 16 weeks gets them to processing size. Our goal is to have the turkeys ready for your Thanksgiving feast.

Turkey Pricing

Whole Frozen Turkey - $5.55/lb

*Pick-up Day Discount - $0.25/lb. (Fresh)*

*For an additional $5.50/bird, you can have your turkey cut up!*

*They range in size from 10-25 lbs.*

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Turkey Breast

Turkey Drumsticks

Ground Turkey

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Turkey Livers

Turkey Hearts

Turkey Gizzards (cleaned)

Turkey Broth Bones

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Prices subject to change without notice.