
Meet Our Family
We are a Christian, homeschooling family seeking to serve the Lord & others in all we do. We love working and playing on our family farm and enjoy observing God’s Hand displayed in nature. Our desire is to provide healthy, nourishing, and sustaining food for local customers. We hope you will join us on an amazing journey towards improved health!

Todd & Val Steiner – Visionary Founders
Todd & Val were married in 1993 and joined the Steiner family business which was a conventional row crop and confinement dairy farm. Much has transpired since then as their passion and vision for producing healthy and nourishing food has grown. In 2003, they began the journey towards pastured and organically raised products. Directing farm operations and guiding the family are Todd & Val’s chief responsibilities. They count it a great opportunity and blessing to work with their children.

Paul & Victoria Baer
Married in early 2018, Paul & Victoria live 5 miles away in the little town of Dillon. Leanna Valerie joined their family in January 2019 and is a great joy to her parents, grandparents, and all of her aunts and uncles! Victoria is a stay-at-home mom and Paul works at LifePoints in Morton as a maintenance man.

Trent – Crop Production/Compost Production/Livestock Operations
With a CDL and fondness to have a steering wheel in his hand, Trent is actively involved in our certified organic crop production. He has attended humus composting workshops and assists with compost production. Trent also pitches in with livestock chores.

Corbin – Equipment Technician/ Cattle Operations/Marketing Assistant
Often found in the shop, Corbin puts his diesel mechanic degree to good use keeping our equipment up and running. Corbin assists with managing livestock grazing rotations and is on call for Thad’s marketing questions and projects.

Philip – Cattle Operations Advisor/Beekeeper
When he’s not busy with mechanical engineering studies, Philip provides input for the planning and management of our cattle grazing rotations and genetic improvements. On the side, he tends a few top bar bee hives and crafts lipbalm utilizing the beeswax from his hives.

Thad – Marketing/Customer Service/Poultry Manager
If you contact Prairie Creek Pastures, Thad will likely be the one to answer your questions and help you purchase products from our farm. Thad is our detailed and organized young man so we know who to call on when a project requires those skills. He is the pastured poultry manager. Thad is also proficient at keeping our cattle software up to date.

Faith – Household Operations
Faith’s skills shine in the kitchen and she keeps everyone happy and smiling with her baking experiments and treats! She pitches in wherever needed with household tasks and is Val’s right hand during the gardening season. Faith is learning the ropes of fulfilling customer orders.

Joshua – Poultry Operations
Joshua is the man and muscle behind our pastured poultry operations. He is responsible for keeping the eggs washed and stocked in the fridge. Joshua lends a helping hand wherever needed; since the work is never done on the farm, there’s always plenty for him to do!

The Lassies – Lydia, Emma, Leah
The younger girls are vital to keep our household running smoothly with their contribution of daily tasks. You can expect to see their smiling faces as they assist with fulfilling customer orders. They love any opportunity to join Dad or one of the older boys during chore time.

The Little Chaps – Timothy, Micah, Ethan
On this farm there are jobs for even the youngest farmers in the family! They pull their weight (literally) by helping Thad & Joshua move the chicken pens every day during the growing season. They enjoy driving the 4-wheelers and working as Corbin’s “gofer” boys in the shop.